Welcome To GCCC
Everytime we gather, we become more like Jesus. There's no where worth going and nothing worth doing without Him.
Who We Are
If You're Thinking About Love, Family And Kingdom, You're Thinking About GCCC
Welcome to GCCC (Glory Centre Community Church)! We are a vibrant and inclusive community of believers dedicated to spreading the love of Christ and making a positive impact in our local community and beyond. At GCCC, we are passionate about worshiping God, building strong relationships, and serving others with compassion.
Read MoreWe have received the mandate to build a local assembly that will be a hub of rival, a home for the solitary and a nest for souls, to hold off the advancement of darkness and manifest God's Glory on the earth.
First Saturday Bi-monthly
At PHSS, we experience the newness, freshness and inspiration that comes with the breath of God.
Every Thursday
Worship gives our lives the heavenly aroma. It's time to wrap ourselves around this beautiful experience. Join us!
Spirit Of Faith
Pst Olakunle Zakariya
When a challenge with the economy is filling your heart with uncertainty, making you doubt God’s promises and threatening you to switch to survival mode, you know there is nothing natural about that. You know you need to be baptised again with the Spirit of Faith.
We saved you a seat, and we can't wait to welcome you!
12 Efon Alaye Street, Off Sule Abore, Lagos, Nigeria
Sunday School | 7 AM
Sunday Services | 8 AM and 10 AM